Wildflowers of Southeastern Arizona

I've had some great hikes lately - all of them just chock-full of crazy late-summer wildflowers thanks to our generous monsoon season and relatively cool summer. I thought I'd share for those of you who were on my trips, those who wish they were, and those who just like pretty flowers... (now some of these aren't the greatest pictures - but I figured you'd forgive my poor photography in favor of my vast knowledge)

Santa Ritas - August

California fuscia
(Zaushneria calfornica)

Rincons - August

Arizona Salvia
(Salvia Arizonica)

Wild Grape
(Vitis arizonica)

Hill's Lupine
(Lupinus hilii)

Coral Bells
(Heuchera sanguinea)

Hybrid salvia?
(Wendy wantsaone)

Sycamore Canyon - August

Sacred Datura

(Datura wrightii)

Parker Canyon - Sept

Vine-leaf Morning Glory
(Ipomoea hederacea)

Another yellow-daisy like flower
(A Viguiera?)

???? Found near the abandoned settlement of Sunnyside
Perhaps not a native - can't find in the books

??? Another mystery plant - maybe the Huachucas are full of them!

Chiricahuas - Sept

(Erigeron oreophilus)

(Delphinium sp.)

Lemmon's Salvia
Salvia lemmonii

(Sarae's Picture)

Common Mullein
(Verbascum thapsus)

Sweet Four O'clock
(Mirabalis longiflora)

Catalinas - Sept

California fuscia
(Zaushneria calfornica)

Wild geranium
(Geranium caespitosum)

other things we saw but I don't have photos of (so I pilfered them from other sites):

Nodding Groundsel
(Senecio bigelovii)

Nodding Onion
(Allium cernuum)

Plains Beebalm
(Monarda pectinata)

(Salvia columbariae)

Franciscan Bluebells
(Mertensia franciscana)
